Tuesday, March 11, 2014

First Meeting

Last week I got a text that the birth mom who we had shown our profile too chose us. So we were matched! It was right as my preschool was starting for the day and it was hard for me to focus. I got teared up and went and told Wes. I felt so good about this birth mom. I told a few people that I would be surprised if she didn't choose us, because she seriously felt like "the one". She had seen our profile on Monday (I thought she was going to see it on Friday, so we were all nervous the whole weekend) and she chose us on Tuesday.
We got our finger prints at the police station on Wednesday and we didn't get them on the right paper, so we have to go back again this week. Annoying!
We talked with Birth mom G. on Thursday at 1:00 on speaker. I was so nervous, but G. made us feel so comfortable. She is so laid back and humble. We talked about how we wanted to meet her and her girls (she has her two little girls here living with her in an apartment). We decided to meet at Chuck E. Cheese's on Monday.
So, that's what we did. I was was so nervous! I didn't want to run out of things to talk about or say the wrong thing. Or look to overwhelmed with the kids that I already have and have her change her mind. So many emotions were going through my head.
It went so smooth! G. is awesome and so fun to be around. We laughed and talked about all kinds of things. She told us about our babies BirthFather (she didn't put anything in the paperwork, so I wanted to make sure to ask). She said he is tall, like 6'2 and skinny. He would be lucky to be 150 pounds. He has green eyes and is in the military. She said he isn't quite full African American, maybe German too.
So that's good to know. We don't know anything about Ivy's birth father. I think the agency said her birth mom said he was tall.
We gave G. and her girls gifts. Flowers for her and these littlest pet shop dogs with accessories and dolls. For her oldest girl who is 6 and back in MS we got her earrings and a necklace.
Wes helped a lot with G.'s girls so we could talk. Her girls are 2, almost 3 and 4.
I took G. and her girls home. There was a case worker that dropped her off (K.) and came in the middle to check up on us and give her a key. I assume it was to her apartment.
On the ride home she told me she was scheduled to have a C-section at the end of the month and she would be happy to have us at the hospital. :) When I dropped them off we went to the middle section of the apartment building, but she got confused and it was really the next apartment building over.
We are so excited to get another little one! I borrowed my sisters nice car seat and I also borrowed my friends swinging baby carrier thing. :) We just need to get a few more things out of storage and we are good to go.
Until something else happens, Becky

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Situation #1

So, we have been open to showing our profile to birth moms for a few weeks now. Our case worker first told us about a situation of a mom that was here in Utah with her two daughters, but it was probably out of our price range....It was. So, I told her it was just too much. A few days after that she sent a situation of a birth mom that was expecting a boy in March, but was delivering in another state. We just aren't open to travel yet, where baby I is only 18 months.
A few days ago I saw this situation of a boy who was already born and had some medical complications. He was adorable in the picture and it really pulled at my heart strings. I looked into it, prayed about it, talked with Wes about it and after much contemplation, didn't feel good about it.
I emailed our case worker and asked her if she had any more situations for us. She said she only had ones that were out of our price range. I told her to send us the situations and  I would talk to Wes about them when he got home. There were two situations.  One of them, just didn't feel right. I read through it and I knew that it just wasn't the right one. The other one felt so right. It was the one from before (the birth mom that was here with her two daughters). I had felt good about it before when the case worker had told us about it, but I didn't even want to consider it because of the price. The case worker had told me that they hadn't really had a situation in Utah that was in our price range for months.
So, Wes and I decided to broaden our options. The birth mom I had felt good about had already been matched a few weeks ago. I had checked after she had told us about it. I was pretty bummed, but didn't know the details then. But, Thursday night our case worker told us that she was matched, but the family she had been matched with is matching with a previous birth mom that had worked with or something like that.
So, we told our case worker that we would love our profile to be shown to her.
Friday (yesterday) our profile was presented to her. Haven't heard anything yet.
Now we wait, we pray, we hope, we contemplate. We wait some more. It's hard to think of anything else. Especially today where it has been so rainy outside we are forced indoors. We have been sewing, reading, the kids and Wes have been playing video games, etc.
The Birth Mom we are showing our profile to is Due March 31st with a baby girl. We are open to either gender. A girl would be fun though. It would be great to have two little girls who look similar, who can relate to each other and grow up together. :) So, we would have 2 boys and 3 girls.
There I go again, dreaming of what this baby would be, even before we are matched. So, what happens next? We wait until our agency contacts us about what the birth mom decided. If she decides on us, we will probably meet for dinner or something. We will see. I've already thought about what gifts we would bring. Probably flowers for her, nothing extravagant, just something pretty. We would probably get the girls little stuffed animals or some toys to play with. But, we will need to keep it simple, we don't want them to feel like we are trying to bribe them or something.
I will keep you posted. Until then, we will be praying, hoping, contemplating, and keeping busy. :)
It's hard to keep my mind on anything else, that's why I thought it would be therapeutic for me to write.